Good Effect Of Classical Music For Cats

It is well known that cats have exceptionally good hearing. Even the faintest sounds ring intense and loud to cat ears. With up to 70,000 Hz, their hearing is one of the best among mammals. The fact that your velvet paws react particularly well to classical melodies such as those by Mozart, Beethoven, and others may surprise many.

As scientists have found, gentle sounds have a calming effect on cats. Thus, music can work wonders when grooming your pet using a cat hair dryer.

Studies show the positive effect of classical music

The effect of music on cats was investigated by a behavioral biology team at the University of Vienna, among others. For this purpose, loudspeakers were set up in a cat enclosure with 21 residents, through which music was played at a constant room volume. If the four-legged furry friends found the music played pleasant, it could be observed that they sought the immediate vicinity of the loudspeakers, sat on them, or even cuddled with them. In particular, soft, classical tones had a calming effect on the house cats. So the scientists recorded far less aggressive behavior among the cats than without music or with other types of music.

cat hair dryer

“Music for Cats” – compositions for velvet paws

Cats reacted even more relaxed to melodies composed especially for them than to the great classics. Charles Snowdon, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a psychologist and expert on animal behavior, has composed special music for cats with cellist David Teie. “Music for Cats” is the world’s first album for cats, with the special feature that most of the pieces of music sound in frequencies imperceptible to humans, in which cats communicate with each other. Authentic purring noises were incorporated into the velvet paws. However, Teie also incorporated conventional music so that masters and mistresses can also enjoy the pieces.

Calming effect in case of restlessness and stress

Music therapy is recommended for cats when they are restless, stressed, and unclean. In addition, you can use it to distract them from frightening noises, such as New Year’s Eve firecrackers or thunderstorms. The gentle tones can have a positive mental and physical effect on the animals. The heartbeat and breathing calm down and relaxation sets in.

Whether it’s classical sounds specially composed for cats, harp melodies, or meditation music with nature sounds, just try it out. Not every cat responds to music. Watch your cat and see what happens. When it comes to volume, the following always applies: less is more.
