Experiencing Music Through Photography
In certain ways music and photography are no different whether painted, sketched, or printed out. They together share a creative expression that fascinates practically every person. Visualize your favored music album. Probabilities are, the music raises some kind of mental picture. For instance, Dark Side of the Moon elicits a picture of a prism while Abbey Road a crosswalk.
There are plenty of artists who are fascinated in the connection of music and photography such as Artist Adam Brown. He says that it is “the strange space between image and sound.” This is one reason why he went out of his way to snap a digital photograph, converted it into audio waves, etch them on a vinyl record, then “played” it back by means of a USB gramophone and a projector.
It sounds complex as well as the technology behind it is. However Brown states that his project, which he names “Concentrism“, is at its essence “noisy, glitchy and fun.” He’s utilizing this intricate procedure to play around with the limits between media, to inquire, “How does a photo translate into a sound?” or “light waves into audio waves?”
But how does he select which pictures are valuable? Brown says it’s a mix. Several of the photographs are his, mostly landscapes, which permit him to perceive how an array of tones play out on a record. His peers also contributed snapshots. One of them, a theorist of photography, sent him an image of a cat.
In general, the idea of taking a photograph or recording sound is to hang on to something that is short-lived. And ephemeral moments, Brown emphasizes, aren’t relivable with no “carrier”. There is no permanent message or meaning without the channel. So what occurs to the message when the channel shifts?
Brown doesn’t simply want individuals to ponder on the process of transformation. Instead, he intends for them to perceive and hear it. He plays the vinyl, which project the picture as they turn, for an audience. From time to time in galleries or in lecture halls, the projected pictures take a moment to “play,” gradually emerging line by line as the audio waves are transformed back into a photo. This process forms an experience, Brown says, “building anticipation as you watch the image download.”
If you too would like to have the right gears to record your type of songs or get into music photography, you can avail of the best music gears online. eBay and Amazon offer the best devices you could find.