Musical Theater and Qualities affecting Casting

We asked for should reveal what directors hunt throw. Here is a list that might be helpful as you work to develop your performance skills and prepare yourself for auditions to receive YMTC or another faculty or company.

1. Performing skill: A person’s theatrical “instincts”; believability to get a character; flexibility; willingness to try new objects; and acquired and learned abilities that provide a huge intellectual and mental dictionary in which to draw.

2. Vocal ability: An person’s vocal quality, flexibility, and number.

3. Musicality: A person’s feeling of singing especially and simplicity of songs; expressiveness via sound and their intuition.

4. Dance: Dance skills, sophistication, and accuracy; a sense of management along with the body and capability to use it in the aid of a character.

5. Preparedness: How well introduced that the pun is memorized, rehearsed, clearly guessed, and appropriate to the role/show in which an individual is auditioning.

6. Form: How “directly” someone is to receive a given purpose — this is not only a matter of simply how someone appears but relates to their power, the way that they maintain themselves, and their all-purpose character.

7. Chemistry: the method by which in which the celebrity functions or “unites” on stage with another star or celebrities with whom he/she will be in a relationship.

8. Electricity: A person’s skill level, focus and also a willingness to invest in anything it is he/she is doing on stage.

9. Professionalism: promptness, prep, topic, admiration for managers and fellow celebrities; the appropriate balance between religion and humility; and the capacity to collaborate collectively for the sake of the team.

10. Courage: Evident openness to carrying to accepting threats, permitting a star to venture into unknown territory and to be inclined to seem absurd.

